So here’s a question. Is it possible to lose weight & get fit in a pandemic?  Well, this picture says it all …..
Weight Loss in a Pandemic
NOW is the time to start if you want to look & feel fabulous, confident, energy-boosted, every time you look in the mirror.
Lockdown or not, these things are certain.
Fitness and health take time.
  • Both take patience whilst the body adapts.
  • They take a consistent effort in the right direction.
  • It’s about picking yourself up and getting right back on track if you have a bad day.
  • Gaining fitness & health means a focus on what’s next, and learning from mistakes.
  • Getting them may just take sheer bloody-mindedness to get what you want.
Yeah, that all takes a while.
But just making a start makes you feel better IMMEDIATELY.
Gyms are shut.  Classes are closed.  Sports fields are deserted. We can’t even walk around the shops anymore.  It sometimes feels like all we do is Netflix.
But the Great Outdoors is still there and waiting to be used, right outside your front door.   And you know you can exercise for free indoors too.
Just imagine for one moment that, during this Lockdown, you transform yourself.
  • Your waist slims.
  • Your energy soars
  • Your clothes start to fit beautifully again.
  • You feel younger, more content. Sleeping better.
  • Compliments on Zoom start happening. 💃
Just imagine … or actually taking the right choices at the right time to actually start to really do it.