
The commonest reasons which stop people from exercising or making positive healthy lifestyle changes are these.




Many believe that being or getting healthy involves too much of most of them.  That indeed is true in some cases – joining a gym being a good example.

But not all exercise formats are guilty of using your money, your hours, or your sweat.   Let me put the case for walking.

It’s one of my fave things in my life. This is me above the clouds at the top of Madeira last year after an extremely sweaty and trek. What a feeling!
3 Top Excuses for Not Exercising
Walking is something many of us take for granted. We do it every day, in some form or another.  But if you are lucky enough to be able to walk – and please think about that one – then these are the positives that walking regularly can bring you.

It’s FREE – saves you petrol money, gym membership, etc. Instead of driving to the shop to buy your lunch at work, why not use your feet.  If it’s only a 10-minute walk away, that’s a 20-minute walk every day.  Which is about  1 mile.   And walking 1 mile a day cuts your chance of dying of cancer by 40%.

It saves you TIME. Unlike a gym or a class, you can do this straight out of the door. There’s no travel time. Ok, you may not be lucky enough to have beautiful Snowdonia at the bottom of your garden, but there will be a road leading somewhere.

And if it gets your energy back and your waistline down does that really matter?

You can fit it into your daily life pretty easily.  Just a quick pop out around the block for 30 minutes whilst your least-liked program is on telly will burn you around 150 calories if it’s on the flat. Do the maths and it’s nearly half a stone in 6 months. Slow and steady weight loss is the way to go remember?

It doesn’t have to involve EFFORT. Most of us use our feet every day. Our leg muscles are actually pretty strong and used to it. So a stroll isn’t too hard.  Get yourself used to doing that every day, then gradually increase either walking faster or using hills /steps.  You’ll come back with cheeks glowing, feeling invigorated, and in control.
It suppresses cravings and the activity will start to correct hormone imbalances.
Your BP will drop.
Your mood will lift.
You will start to feel loads healthier.
Aches and pains will lessen.

Here’s how to get going if you are brand new to walking for fitness

  • Choose an easy route – not too long. Round the block. Or there and back.
  • Get a good coat. It rains. Don’t let that stop you.
  • Get good shoes.  Supportive and comfortable will help your leg muscles work harder.
  • Do it every other day to start with.  Begin small.
  • Give yourself 1 week of it at a time.  Build it up.
  • Walk with someone if you like to chat, socially distanced of course.
  • Build up your walking intensity to improve – faster or hillier. But this isn’t essential.  Regular activity will definitely have an effect even if it’s not progressive.
  • Treat yourself to a FitBit or similar. Activity monitors are great motivators.
  • Use the time to listen to a podcast. Or even catch up on your phone calls.
  • Stay safe. Take a phone.  Watch the roads if you have headphones on.  Walk where there are other people.
  • And enjoy the Great Outdoors.  It’s a huge boost to our mental health, every time.