

I know that we are in a crazy world of lockdown at the moment. But that doesn’t mean you can’t still successfully lose weight, get fitter, healthier and feel so much happier.


You CAN still confidently get more active, make good choices with your food, and get the right support … despite the challenges that surround us now in this Covid 19 pandemic.


In the wake of everything that’s happened, I am helping women to pivot their fitness results from zero to fabulous during Lockdown.


My focus for the last 8 weeks has been to help women (just like you) to pivot their emotional and physical health both quickly and easily.

I have quite literally been helping women of ALL shapes and sizes – even some who said they were beyond help.

You’d think it would depend on people meeting together, or getting to a gym or fitness class. It doesn’t.

When Covid19 arrived I panicked. I really thought this is the end of my business.
My classes and personal training were at an end.

How wrong was I!

Through social media and my Motivational Groups I have built an online support network over the last 8 weeks.  I shifted a gear and changed my motivational focus to help people in a whole new way.  I want to help people get through these next few weeks / months without gaining weight or suffering with stress.   This Newsletter is just one small part of that.

There are some awful and terrible things happening around us all the time. If I can help people cope in just a small way then I consider my job worthwhile.

Here are just a few of the tips I give away every single day.


5 Ways to Feel Happier in Lockdown!!

Try these simple ways to hep yourself stay healthy both physically and emotionally during Lockdown. Start with just ONE and build up.

1. Get outside every single day. Do something active out there … walk, hoola, cycle, run, skip, climb, play. Obviously practice social distancing and be “alert”. But enjoy the moment. Feel the sun, rain, wind or whatever it throws at you on your skin. Listen to your breath and your heartbeat as you do whatever you’re doing.

2. Put your phone away more often. Turn off the TV. Set yourself a time to disconnect from the tech. Do something like a crossword, a jigsaw, read a book, exercise, stretch, dance, create or listen to music instead .

3. Use the change as an Opportunity. Allow new things into your life. If you have free time its a gift … learn something new.
Even if you’re working from home, enjoy the positives that this might bring. Maybe your dog curls up with you. Or you get to look out over the garden. Or you an finish earlier because your commute is only 30 seconds now!

4. Contact real people every day. Get in touch with old friends. Speak to those isolated around you – from a distance. We walk every day and its been so nice chatting to neighbours properly, people we never normally even see out doing the same as us.

5. Sleep. Take the time to develop better sleeping habits. Can you get to bed earlier and rise earlier? Can you improve your wind-down time in the evening so its less stressful. Maybe drink less alcohol …. this improves out sleep enormously. Our alcohol consumption as a country is up by 22% I believe. This is not good.

This could be where everything suddenly changes for you.