
The Weight Loss Plateau is defined as the weight loss phenomenon when weight remains stable for 3 weeks or more, despite best efforts.   It can last ages. And its responsible for many a person deciding that they “cant lose weight”.

Knowledge is king, or queen.  Understanding what’s happening is key to solving it.   So here’s an imaginary scenario that might help. I will keep it really simple.





“Becky” weighs 16 stone and wants to lose weight. She;s been gaining little by little by little over the years, and now she’s decided enough is enough.

My magic scales tell us that she has what we call a Base Metabolic Rate (BMR) of 1800 calories – that’s what her body uses at rest every day just to function.

To start with she changes what she eats and drinks and gets more active. She does it exactly right. At the end of every day she’s in calorie deficit – she has used more energy than she has taken in.  Over 3 months of consistent effort she gets smaller and fitter, and loses a stone.

But then the weight loss just stops.  She’s still doing what worked before, but its no longer effective.  WHY?

  • Because she has become smaller her BMR has dropped. Its now only 1450 calories a day.  She’s not so heavy, so moving is easier and uses less energy. Her body has become lower maintenance.
  • Also, she wasn’t particularly fit at the start so most things were an effort when she started to exercise. But now she’s fitter and become adapted to the workload she places on her body through exercise. That basically means that now she uses less energy to do the same exercise.  She finds it all easier.
  • So what she was doing before no longer works.  Previously she was in calorie deficit. Now she needs less calories because she’s smaller and fitter. She’s balanced and no longer creating deficit from her efforts.  She’s in calorie equilibrium.


If this has happened to you, please read on.


  • Do a Food/Drink Diary and write it ALL down for a week.
    Are you really eating what you think you are eating?
    Maybe you’ve got complacent?
  • Write a list of all that you’ve achieved already. See how far you’ve come already.  Remember health is NOT just about weight loss.There are so many other wonderful side effects of looking after yourself a little better.  Chances are you feel better, have more energy, fit more of your lovely clothes, have more confidence??
  • Exercise – change what you do.  Either change the duration, frequency or the intensity of your exercise. So work longer, more often. Or harder.  Not just cardio now. You should also make sure you are doing enough exercise with weights or body weight to target large muscles. Build these – it boosts the BMR.

    So if all you are doing is walking, you should now be using stairs, steps, hills.  Or even carrying a backpack that weighs something (if your back and shoulders can stand it).

  • Change what you eat/drink.  Try new recipes.  Increase protein. Increase wholefoods.  Get super well-nourished.   Don’t stick to stuff that’s “safe” which you always have.
  • Drink more water.  A small glass at meals and between meals is fine. Fruit and veg all counts too.
  • If your food is very regimented, try one meal a week as a Treat Meal, where you can have whatever you want.  After a heavy workout, this can boost metabolism brilliantly!
  • Rest well.  In bed for 10pm every night for 8 hours.
  • Avoid stress.  Stress increases cortisol. Cortisol may cause you to comfort eat. If you cannot, avoid stress, then make sure you have some stress reliever in your life. From time spent with a pet, or a friend, to a blasting Boxercise class, or a chill out Yoga class.
  • And just KEEP GOING.  Keep visualising how it’s going to be when you get to your Goal, and don’t let anything get in your way!
  • Be STRONG and PROUD! You can do this.