I like February – in fact, I think it’s better than January for getting stuff done. And it’s a GREAT time to feel better fast, even in Lockdown. It’s also a fantastic time to get focused if you feel you’ve failed with that so far this year.
This fact alone might make you start to feel better:
Did you know that by Jan 8th, 25% of people have given up their New Year Resolutions?
And I bet that’s bigger than ever this year, with the lockdown. They say that many of us are doing a lot less exercise and watching more telly than we did the last lockdown.
Hardly surprising. Lots of us feel exhausted after Christmas. And slightly shocked this year because we have so many social deprivations at the last minute due to Covid.
So hell yes. February is our time to re-focus.
February is a nice “tidy” month. With just 4 weeks, 28 days, it’s easy to time-frame those weight loss or fitness goals. So if you’re a bit anal like me, it all fits nicely on the calendar. Haha.
6 Ways to Feel Better Fast

Do at least 2 of these every day.
Try these 6ways to make yourself feel better right now.
  1. Dress well at home or if you go out to work.
    – Wear clothes that make you feel good when you look in the mirror.
    – Do your hair.
    – Wear your jewelry.
    – Get the lippy out.
    – Feel proud of how you look if someone actually comes to the door!
  2. Try to make an occasion of every day. Find something special in it. Maybe a nice lunch at home. Or a proper chat with a real friend … and not necessarily on a screen.
  3. Either get to bed 15 mins earlier OR Get up 15 mins earlier (whichever suits).
  4. Do something jointly creative with someone else. Something to share. One of my clients made a playlist together with their fave tunes … I LOVE THIS IDEA as they can listen to it anytime and enjoy the moment they had.
  5. Get some fresh air. AND some exercise. Maybe both at the same time.
  6. We all know at least one person who always makes us feel better. It’s just a skill they have. Get in touch with them for a chat.