I’ve loved writing this one.  The 5 Rules for Weight Loss – in other words, how to make weight loss easy peasy and actually feel empowered, rather than beaten down by diets and constant weighing.
It’s seasoned with my famous common-sense approach, especially for older women who know how to get fit and healthy, but just don’t do it!
You know that to lose weight you need to eat healthily 80% of the time, cut down alcohol 80% of days, and get more active.
Sticking to that, remember my 5 Common Sense Rules for Weight Loss –
  1. Never compare yourself to others.  You are you. This is your weight loss. You know what you’re doing.
  2. Do not beat yourself up if you slip up or overeat.  No one is perfect.  You noticed,  and you will correct yourself.
  3. If you want a biscuit, have a flippin biscuit.  Just don’t eat the whole packet.
  4. There is no Best Plan.  If someone tells you you are silly for not following their plan or doing their workouts, then you have my permission to swear at them.
  5. Progress is progress.  No matter how small.
If all you’ve done so far is Slimming World and Weight Watchers and it hasn’t worked, then please, for your own sake,  make a change.
Weight loss is never just about the scales.
Weight loss is about losing inches,
dropping a dress size or 2,
having more energy,
being less bloated,
feeling more positive,
and maybe sleeping better.
How does all that sound? Following my methods, you’d get all that. You’d almost certainly lose weight too. How does that sound?
I can help you to lose weight, tone up, and feel so much happier about the way you look and feel. I can help you, wherever you live.
I have what you need.  All you need to do is take that first step and contact me now.