My Stay Gorgeous ladies and I had an interesting discussion about this on Monday.  I thought I’d share the upshot, as it might be useful to you too.
5 Fantastic Ways to Refocus for Weight Loss
Many of us feel like we’ve lost direction, purpose and motivation.  What with holidays, lockdown, Covid and everything else, its hardly surprising people are telling me they feel they can’t focus in many ways.
And getting that weight loss focus and direction seems totally out of reach for some.
But don’t worry about your weight.   Instead use some of my REFOCUS TIPS and feel right back on track with your health, waistline and fitness fast.
  1. Recognise Your Achievements so far.
    You’re better than you think … remember all the other times you’ve got yourself back on track, or hit a milestone.   You can do this.
  2. Set Your Intention.
    Give yourself a Goal.  Make it something exciting, buzzing and really worth working towards.
  3. Just Start.
    Simply get going, even if your heart’s not feeling it.  Sometimes fake it til you make it actually works.   Our brains love routine.  If you throw routine at yours, it will quickly focus in on the tasks ahead.
  4. Stop Perfection Paralysis.
    You don’t have to be perfect at this. You don’t have to have it all in place just to begin.  Make little changes and these will have you feeling more in control of your life again very quickly.
  5. Get Accountable.   Use family, friends, a Group or a Professional (like me) to help you set goals and stick to them.